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Getting Out Of Stuck Emotions

WARNING: This post gets real and raw. But that's why we're all here, right?

(Photo taken on Amtrak Train to Chicago with sunset - April 17, 2024)

Do you remember the first scary movie you saw as a kid? Chuckie? Freddy Krueger? Heck, maybe even Jurassic park! Do you remember how real it was to experience the terror and horrors of the monsters? Now imagine your life is that movie and you’re not on the other side of the screen. For me, my young adolescence was spent in this state of terror and fright.

It wasn’t until recently that I learned I’ve been keeping myself in these emotions for YEARS! Instead of courageously feeling the terror. Whenever I get triggered I resort to unproductive thoughts that keep me feeling terrified and susceptible. I often anticipate the worst case scenario instead of approaching situations with a non-judgmental approach. My therapist told me to think of the best case scenario and that the truth lies somewhere between best and worst.

Slow down. Take things as they are and observe. And not just with your eyes. How does your body feel? What do you hear? What can you feel on your skin? What do you taste in your mouth? What colors can you see? What do you smell? Activate all senses when feeling anxious and come back to your body and out of your spinning mind.

This has helped me so I thought I'd share.

Of All Trades,




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